Basic Service
Cart Information
The 3-cart system used to serve residents of Manhattan Beach helps maintain a neat appearance and tidy neighborhoods on collection day. Waste Management supplies trash (gray colored), green waste (green colored), and commingled recycling (blue colored) containers. The containers are available in 35 gallon, 64 gallon, or 96 gallon sizes.
Trash (Gray Cart)

Green Waste (Green Cart)

Recycle (Blue Cart)

Unlimited Green Waste Recycling
Back to TopAll customers are entitled to free and unlimited green waste pickup.
All yard waste such as tree branches, grass, garden trimmings and bagged food waste now belongs inside your green waste carts.
Place wood waste next to the green waste container for pick up and make sure your food waste is tied securely inside a plastic bag.
Do not place larger pieces of wood waste, tree trunks and branches into your cart. Green waste should be in bundles no larger than 2 feet in diameter, 4 feet in length and no more than 50 pounds in weight.
Place no Yuca or Palm, Ice plant, dirt, rock, trash, construction debris or animal waste in the green waste container. Check out a complete list of acceptable materials in the Welcome Packet. Print it out or save it to your computer for quick reference.
Food Waste Recycling
Back to TopResidential Food Waste Program: Easy As 1-2-3!
1. Put food scraps in a bag
2. Tie off the bag
3. Put the bag with all of the food inside in your green waste container
What Kind of Bag Can I Use?
The facility can accept any plasic bag. Reuse a bread, tortilla, or packaging bag, biodegradable or decomposable.
So what happens after it’s collected?
Our drivers take all of the organic waste to our Transfer Station where, with the help of specialized excavators, the food waste bags are segregated from the yard waste. Next, the commercial and the residential food waste is combined and delivered to the CORe® facility where we create a Bio-engineered Slurry which is finally used in the Carson Waste Water Treatment Plant anaerobic digesters to generate renewable energy!
At Home Sharps Disposal
Back to TopWaste Management offers MB Customers up to three free At-Home Sharps Safe Disposal Kits per year. Customers can contact Waste Management customer service to order their kits, and a WM representative will deliver it to your door. Then, fill it with sharps, and mail it back using the pre-paid postage included in the kit. Please make sure to fill out the enclosed form in each kit
Locking Bins
Back to TopWaste Management offers locking bin service for an additional $9.44 per bin per month. Contact Customer Service for more information or to enroll in this program.
On-Call Bulky Waste Pickup
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Both single and multi-family residents are entitled to up to three free bulky item pick-ups per year. You may place three bulky items out at the curb for each pick-up on your regular service day. Acceptable Bulky Waste Items
Unacceptable Bulky Waste Items
Temporary Bins and Roll-off Service
Back to TopWaste Management has the waste, recycling and environmental services you need for any job.
Contact customer service for pricing or consultation on the right disposal solution for your project.
Unlimited Recycling
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Waste Management offers unlimited, free recycling pickup.
Recyclable Materials
- PET plastic, HDPE plastic; plastics types 3 - 7, shrink wrap, plastic toys and tools, and other plastic materials (if readily identifiable as being recyclable)
*Plastic bags can be returned to Bristol Farms in Manhattan Beach for proper collection.
Paper products
- Juice boxes and milk cartons (aseptic packaging, Tetra Pak and waxed cardboard), cereal and other paperboard boxes, paper shopping bags, magazines, computer paper, non-metallic wrapping paper, junk mail and envelopes, newspapers, corrugated cardboard, paperback and telephone books
- Aluminum cans, steel, bi-metal and tin cans, empty aerosol containers, scrap metal, metal and aluminum foil
- Glass jars and bottles
Please place recyclable materials in the blue recycling cart. Check out a complete list of acceptable materials in the Welcome Packet. Print it out or save it to your computer for quick reference.
Become a Recycling Ambassador! Recycle Right by keeping these three things in mind:
- Recycle all bottles, cans and paper.
- Keep items clean and dry.
- No plastic bags in the recycling.
Visit to learn more.
Christmas Tree Recycling
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Waste Management will collect your holiday tree at no additional charge for recycling.
Place your tree on the curb on your usual collection day starting with the first collection day after Christmas through the following two (2) weeks.
Trees can be no longer than 7 feet tall. Remove all ornaments, flocking, garlands, tinsel, and stands.
Additional Trash Pick Up
Back to TopTwice a year, residents may place additional bags or boxes of waste and recycling next to their WM carts for collection at no additional charge. This program does not include bulky items, which need to be called in to WM customer service ahead of time at 310-830-7100.